Unable to login after recovering root passward

Dear experts,

I need help please.

I could not login as a user after recovering the root password.

Thanking you in advance for helping me out.


Is this for a lab? If so, please supply a bit more information so we know which password you need (or if you even need one):

  • A link to the lab in question.
  • What step in the lab do you need help with?

If it’s not for a lab, we’ll definitely need to know more about what you’re doing :slight_smile: Thanks!

Thank you Rob,

It’s my personal home lab. Not sure how I can share the link.

I can’t even login after recovering the root password. Please this is what I did:
-reboot the vm

  • edit GRUB - pressed e
  • replaced ro with: rw init=/sysroot/bin/sh
  • Ctrl + X to boot to single mode
    -chroot /sysroot
    -passwd root
    -new password - repeat new password
  • update SELinux: - touch /.autorelable
    Please check and let me know if I missed a step.

Thank you

" touch /.autorelable" - this is not correct.

It should be touch /.autorelabel

Thank you Nobert.

It works now!

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