Unable to launch lab exercises for RDS course

I was able to finish watching all the videos and reading material. I was able to execute the first lab a few weeks ago. I attempted to continue with the other labs but I get the error and the option “try again” with no resolve:

Uh oh! Something went wrong.

If I go to any other lab, I get an error like below with the button: End or Cancel:

Only 1 overall session(s) is allowed at a time
A lab session(s) - new-aws-rds/030-080-database-with-read-replica - is in progress. Would you like to end it and provision this one instead?

Is it possible to reset the RDS labs from your side? I have tried multiple times today and the error does not go away.

Also some feedback on the RDS course:

  • Instance MultiAZ is not correct as explained in the lab. The standby instance is simply not accessible and it cannot be used for read load unfortunately.
  • It would be great if you could include demos with with actual IAM management.
  • Regarding Aurora and Aurora serverless, it is not clear how to manage IOPs which is crucial for RDS operations.
  • Excellent that you guys do the actual demo walk-through.

It seems to be OK now. As for feedback, we will pass this on

I’ve got exactly the same problems in Kubernetes labs - I’ve got stable internet connection and I use KodeKloud for a while, but recently the platform experience is awful. Can you check if you have some kind of devops problem on your site? It’s a shame that devops platform is unstable, and not for a few minutes, but for a longer period of time…

i have the same issue, is there anything i can do or any updates?