Unable to install jenkins server, getting below error

Job for jenkins.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See “systemctl status jenkins.service” and “journalctl -xeu jenkins.service” for details.

geeting this error

For a bit more context here, please include a link to the lab you’re doing here (or if it’s KK Engineer, the review link for the task). But I’d check the logs under journalctl to see if it’s a problem like the wrong java version, which I’ve seen causing trouble in some of the labs.

the same happen for me, when I searched I found that:
“8080” is already occupied by another process, preventing Jenkins from binding to that port.
and when I killed that process that occupied 8080 I lost connection to the terminal.

@Youssef10 please include a link to your lab; I’m investigating one lab that has exactly this problem (in the Jenkins Beginners course), which might not be your lab, but it has a problem similar to that. With a lab link, I can check to make sure if that lab is also being fixed or not.

There’s no issue with the lab. The lab, “Jenkins (Level 1): Set Up Jenkins Server,” clearly instructs to connect to the Jenkins server. The problem arose when I tried to install Jenkins on the host. I missed the note and attempted to use port 8080, which was already occupied by another process, causing the conflict. Once I realized the mistake, I understood that the issue was not related to the lab itself.