Unable to find SSH PUBLIC keys in jenkins As part of CLI Class

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Hi I am unable to find the SSH PUBLICH keys in for the user jenkins. Kindly let me know how to resolve this.

Hi @spgreddy27,
What did you do? Where are you trying to find the keys? Please share more details.
Please share the lab URL, if its from the lab.


I’m facing the same exact problem, I can’t find the ‘SSH Public Key’ section through ‘Dashboard → My_username ->Configure’. I have already created a SSH Public key to put it in the section, but the section itself doesn’t exist, there is only ‘Password’ section then a ‘Session Termination’ section only and nothing between them or in the whole ‘Configure’ part.

Hi @Marwa-Yasser ,

Please provide the question number and lab URL.


same issue here…did anyone figure it out?

nvm…did reinstall and now it shows up