Unable to enable network policy after cluster creation

I’m in the networking section of the GKE course. I am following the practice exercise. I created my GKE cluster, I then try to enable network policy after the fact.

`hugh@cloudshell:~ (gke-kodekloud)$ gcloud container clusters update gke-deep-dive --enable-network-policy
Enabling/Disabling Network Policy causes a rolling update of all cluster nodes, similar to performing a cluster upgrade. This operation is long-running and will block other operations on the cluster
(including delete) until it has run to completion.

Do you want to continue (Y/n)? y

ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.update) ResponseError: code=400, message=The network policy addon must be enabled before updating the nodes.
What exactly should I be doing to enable the policy add-on? I noticed in the demo that pretty much parallels the exercise, that they added the --enable-network-policy flag when creating the GKE cluster as opposed to creating the cluster and updating it with the enable flag. Oddly, if I create the cluster with the enable flag, it works, but you cannot update the cluster with network policy after the fact it appears.

Hi @hugh

Hi did you refer to this doc and try gcloud container clusters update $CLUSTER_NAME --update-addons=NetworkPolicy=ENABLED?