Unable to create IAM user

Hello, Im working on the playgrounds ,so for a project I wanted to create some users using IAM, but I get an error -

Very little of IAM is enabled in playground. The only user you can use is the one you log in with.
Opening up IAM would affect the security of the playground environments.

how i give administrative access to other users please suggest

You cannot – this is not something we support in our playgrounds, for reasons of safety among other things.

Please suggest, I have taken a subscription, so I am unable to do practicals.

For the reasons outlined above, you cannot.

If you want unlimited AWS access, you can sign up for your own AWS account. This is free, provided that you do not leave billable infrastructure running.

The idea of playgrounds is to provide a limited environment within the realms of cost and security that some things can be practiced, without the hassle of worrying about getting a large bill at the end of the month, or your account being hacked because you did something insecure which could cause you a HUGE bill!