Unable to create eks fargate profiles or eks node groups in AWS Sandbox

Hi Team,

I am trying to setup a kubernetes cluster in aws playground. I am able to create the control plane, but when I am trying to create the worker nodes I am unable to do so.
For both eks fargate profiles and node group creation it is returning permission error.
I have submitted the feedback many times but still it has not been resolved.
When is Kodekloud team going to fix this issue?

hello kadurohanr simplest way to with your error is to go and grant the iam user you sre using access to eks:CreateFargateProfile or admin full access or eks, and fargate full access

Hi Hammed-Akinwale,
I tried to assign the permissions, but it seems that the user that was assigned to me when the aws sandbox was created does not have sufficient permissions.

Hi @kadurohanr,

Please check the following doc to create an EKS cluster.


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Also @kadurohanr please be aware that managed and fargate nodegroups are not possible in KK playground. The like that Tej has provided will walk you through creation of cluster with unmanaged node group.

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Thank you so much @Tej-Singh-Rana , I was able to setup the eks cluster with the help of provided doc.

@Alistair_KodeKloud Understood, thanks for the help. I was just curious if there is any document available to create the managed nodegroups/ fargate profiles and if not then why is it mentioned in the description. Or my understanding is wrong?