Unable to create eks cluster with eksctl

Hi , I am trying to create eks cluster from my CLI, I have installed and configured aws cli(with access token etc), installed kubectl and eksctl
when i create cluster using - “eksctl create cluster --region --node=type --nodes” parameters it starts to create cluster I can even see it in couldwatch but eventually it fails allways (one reason i looked up in events was autoscaling not permitted), kindly provide me solution how to create cluster with eksctl. please rever asap

Now even if create EKS from console, I am unable to add node groups - User: arn:aws:iam::219666981164:user/odl_user_1019089 is not authorized to perform: eks:CreateNodegroup on resource: arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:219666981164:cluster/eks-cluster with an explicit deny

I dont know why have you given playground just to launch ec2…this is not done

Hi @konarkwalia24 ,

Please create the cluster from the console, you can follow this guide :

NB : You should be able to launch EKS with “Self-managed nodes ”. As of now “Managed Node-group” and “Fargate Profile” will not work with EKS.

Also, you need to keep in mind below restrictions as well.

  1. choose one of these instance types: *.nano, *micro, *.small, *.medium of t1,t2 and t3 instance class.
  2. choose disk type as “gp2” only.
  3. Maximum disk size per node allowed is 30GB.

In order to deploy EKS; it needs to meet all above criteria."
