Unable to create Access Keys in AWS Playground

I’m unable to create a new access key in the AWS playground. I need this to do some Terraform testing. Please help. I need to generate these keys so I can add them to my Terraform file.

Hi @lbellysmit ,
Have you installed terraform in the aws playground or is it already available?

I installed Terraform on my local laptop. But in order to be able to create any AWS infrastructure via Terraform I need to add AWS keys to my local Terraform file.

Correct me if i am wrong , but i assumed that since the playgrounds are sandboxed , external access to it would be restricted . Are you able to communicate with the AWS playground from your local system apart from using Terraform ?

Hi @Tej_Singh_Rana , @kodekloud-support3 ,
For this issue and for playgrounds in general , is access from your local or external system to all playgrounds restricted or can we run scripts locally against the playgrounds ?

Hi @Tej-Singh-Rana , @kodekloud-support3 ,

Can you please provide an update on the above requests . Thanks


Our current version of sandbox does not support programmatic access unfortunately.
However, we are working on getting this set up and anticipate this to be released in a months time.

Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Vijin (KodeKloud)


I believed this was one of the benefits of the playgrounds, we could test our knowledge gained in the courses without having to create any cloud-provider free-tier account.
I also bumped into this issue while going over the Terraform course. I wanted to practice setting up Terraform from my laptop to spawn some EC2 instance in the AWS playground and saw that no AWS Access Key is provided and I don’t have permission to create a new one.
It would be great to have some notification for us, as subscribers, once this feature will be available.


José Luis


Waiting for your kind update regarding this issue. I also need to create access key to practice terraform in aws.

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Hello @vijin.palazhi @Tej-Singh-Rana ,

Has there been any update on this. I think this is disappointing, considering the only reason i went for pro Kodekloud plan is for leveraging the Playgrounds features but encountering issues like this where i cannot integrate it with my local system its a road blocker in my learning journey.

Alok Mishra

I answered your other post.

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Hi KodeKloud Team,

I’m using the AWS Playground and trying to connect to AWS resources through the AWS CLI in VS Code. However, I’m unable to access the resources because I don’t have an access key. Is there a new process for getting access keys, or has something changed recently?

Any help would be appreciated!


You can create an access key by doing this:

  1. Log into the playground
  2. You’ll see the name of the account in the upper right corner of the screen. It’s a menu. Choose the “Security Credentials” item from the menu.
  3. You’ll find an option to Create Access Key. Choose that.
  4. Either generate a legacy access key/secret key, or generate a token for AWS-CLI
  5. Download the credentials.
    6 Profit

This will only be good for the length of the 3 hour session, but it will allow you access AWS for that 3 hours from your laptop.

Thanks for prompt reply Rob, i am able do the same.