Unable to complete "Jenkins create view" task

I am getting below error, please help if someone faced the same.

‘devops-crons’ view doesn’t exit or job ‘devops-test-job’ is not listed under it
FAILED test_jenkins_view.py::test_jenkins_view - AssertionError: - 'devops-cr…

Hi @Dhirendra-Vats ,

I also got the same error. I just did it again and ran all the jobs before pressing “Check”.

Hi @harshgarg862000 in my case there was some issue from task end, they made some change, then I completed the task…Please reach out to kodekloud team.

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HI @Dhirendra-Vats @harshgarg862000

Sorry for the late response, We’ve been facing some issue on Jenkins labs but it’s fixed now, please try again and let me use know.

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Hello Team,

I completed/implemented correctly but still validation says otherwise. Could somebody check.

As per the screenshot the view was created under “My Views”, but the task clearly says to create a Global view instead, so it seems to be a valid failure. The Global view will look like below: