Unable to access NodePort Service

I have a local k8s cluster with 1 cp and 2 worker nodes ( all three in different VMs). I have deployed k8s-dashboard and now I want to access it on my host’s browser. I have created a nodeport service, but I am unable to access the service anywhere (on cp, worker nodes or on host).
My k8s-service-definition.yaml file

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kubernetes-dashboard-service
  type: NodePort
  - targetPort: 8443
    port: 8443
    nodePort: 30009
    name: kubernetes-dashboard
    k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard

How did you deploy the VMs for the cluster?

If you used NAT networking, then the cluster network is not visible to the outside world. If you used VirtualBox then you can set up a port forwarding rule on one of the worker nodes to forward the node port to the host.

I am currently working on an update to the kubeadm builds in the CKA github repo which will build the VMs in bridged mode - with versions for VirtualBox and Apple Silicon. All node ports are visible to the host in this configuration.