Unable to access Labs and Playgrounds

Hi, I am unable to access playground or labs in any course. Please help to fix this. Here is. the screenshot of the issue I am facing.

After reading troubleshooting lab issues note, I see using nmap is prohibited. I was not aware, so now that I know how do I get unblocked here?

Hi, can someone please check this issue. I am stuck and unable to access any labs. I think we need to put guideline or instructions on what is not to be executed on playgrounds or labs before accessing them. I only saw in the troubleshooting lab docs that nmap should not executed after my labs are blocked.
I am stuck now unable to access labs for my interview preparation. Please check this and unblock me.

This is solved by the support. Thanks.

Thanks for the confirmation, @uday-k-reddy. Please always get in touch with the support team for such issues.
