Unable to access jenkins server from jump host

Unable to access the Jenkins server by SSH using the root user and password S3curePass from the jump host .
showing permission denied.
I have configured the sshd_config file by uncommenting PasswordAuthentication yes, PermitRootLogin yes

Hi @Sivateja-Chejarla,

Please share the task name and it’s topic level. We’ll check and get back to you.


Thanks for your response.

I stuck in Jenkins Level 1 1. Set Up Jenkins Server

Hi @Sivateja-Chejarla,

I checked this task and was able to SSH into the Jenkins server. On the 1st try, I received a ‘permission denied’ error due to a typo in the password, but on the 2nd try, I successfully SSHed in.

TIP: - You can try a 3rd one; that will help you SSH into the Jenkins server.


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thanks for your support It worked