Ultimate Mock Exam 1 Question query

So I have a weird issue where I cannot figure out what I did wrong.

The question is the attached:

Create a ReplicaSet with name checker-cka10-svcn in ns-12345-svcn namespace with image registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/jessie-dnsutils:1.3.

Make sure to specify the below specs as well:

  • command sleep 3600

  • replicas set to 2

  • container name: dns-image

Once the checker pods are up and running, store the output of the command nslookup kubernetes.default from any one of the checker pod into the file /root/dns-output-12345-cka10-svcn on student-node.

Below is the result and on the right is a description of the replicaset. Image is correct, it’s just not fully visible in the screenshot. Pods are running. I can’t figure out why it shows as wrong.

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile: thanks.

The only thing I can think of are the labels which I kept from the sample manifest file.

The question says
Create a ReplicaSet with name checker-cka10-svcn

Your replicaset is called checker. Did you try creating it with the name in the question?

Good catch :smiley: it’s always the simple stuff. Thanks Alistair.

You must watch carefully for things like that when you come to real exam :wink:

My problem, since I was young :slight_smile: should learn to copy and paste stuff more during the exam. Thanks again :slight_smile:

While at it, the question also asks to perform a nslookup from a test busybox towards the pod and the service. Mine worked fine, but the solution says that there is a problem with coredns, and shows how to solve it. It’s now difficult to add more details because the session expired, but I remember me doing nslookup against the FQDN of the service, and against the pod using the IP address of the pod (with the dashes) and they both resolved (in fact the details show that the outputs are correct).