For this question, please set the context to cluster1 by running:
kubectl config use-context cluster1
There is a script located at /root/pod-cka26-arch.sh on the student-node. Update this script to add a command to filter/display the label with value component of the pod called kube-apiserver-cluster1-controlplane (on cluster1) using jsonpath.
i added my answer:
student-node ~ ➜ cat pod-cka26-arch.sh
kubectl -n kube-system get po kube-apiserver-cluster1-controlplane -ojsonpath=“{.metadata.labels.component}”
but it reported as incorrect answer. #-------
another question #q17
For this question, please set the context to cluster3 by running:
kubectl config use-context cluster3
There is a deployment nginx-deployment-cka04-svcn in cluster3 which is exposed using service nginx-service-cka04-svcn.
Create an ingress resource nginx-ingress-cka04-svcn to load balance the incoming traffic with the following specifications:
pathType: Prefix and path: /
Backend Service Name: nginx-service-cka04-svcn
Backend Service Port: 80
ssl-redirect is set to false
I created the ingress resource but it couldn’t create a address, see it so i cannot test it. I think there was no ingress controller on the cluster when i checked.
For Q16, it mentions ... pod called kube-apiserver-cluster1-controlplane **(on cluster1)**. Note the (cluster1) here. You have to append the --context cluster1 flag to this command:
kubectl --context cluster1 get pod -n kube-system kube-apiserver-cluster1-controlplane -o jsonpath='{.metadata.labels.component}'
For Q17, I think you missed defining the ssl-redirect annotation on the ingress resource.
hello @Santosh_KodeKloud , thanks for your reply. #16:
you don’t have to add --context as you would run by setting the context before running command #17: i created the ingress with the ssl-rewrite annotation; I don’t think this will make any difference whether setting or not ssl-rewrite for the ingress to actually create an ip address.
For Q16, true that the --context flag can be avoided, but the requirement is outlined in the task description, and the grader checks the flag as well. This is mainly a grader requirement, if the --context is not present while validating the task, the grader runs the script in the context last set in the terminal, which could be a wrong context. So we explicitly set the context in the command.
For Q17
The task requirement has mentioned: ssl-redirect is set to false. This is a requirement for the task to result in a pass.
In your ingress output, I don’t see the ADDRESS column. The lab does have Traefik ing controller installed.
See the ingress.yaml content but then i copied the ingress resource directly from the kubernetes documentation and did not remove the ingressClassName: nginx-example which means that it was using wrong ingress class name. I removed that line from the ingress and then it was able to create the address.
See the other screenshot after updated the ingress.yaml , created the ingress and then it created & showed the ip address.