I’m currently doing the CKA course on Udemy and all the links that lead to the practice tests on Kodecloud don’t redirect corretly and require to log in again, even though I’m already logged into Kodecloud. This has been an annoyance for many months for me now and now I finally decided to post about it. I expect the Udemy link. i.e.
Practice Test: —https—://uklabs.kodekloud.com/topic/practice-test-role-based-access-controls-2/ (I changed the URL so it would properly display in its full length)
to just work, which it never does. What is the problem? Why am I asked to log in again when I’m already logged into Kodecloud? PLUS when logging in, the link redirects to the main page of Codekloud, not the practice test, so I have to go click it AGAIN.
As you can hear from my writing, I’m more than a little annoyed at this.
Is there a work around for this?