Two Task Failed


I was first assigned a task to create a user Mariyam and account to expire 2021-12-07
I switched to root user and userd the following command “useradd -e 2021-12-07 Mariyam” However was marked failed.

Secondly was asked to add google DNS. I switched to root user and added google DNS using the below commands

sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf

saved and exit.
Yet again marked as failed. Can someone tell me what I’m actually doing wrong here.

I hope to hear from you guys.

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2. Secondly was asked to add google DNS.
Task works fine for me by updating resolv.conf and including google dns details.
The task was completed successfully in my case. Thank you!

@swaroopcs88 do you think I did something wrong?

no, I am not saying it, I have no clue what might have gone wrong in your case.