
Q. ```
kubectl config use-context cluster4

There is a pod called `pink-pod-cka16-trb` created in the `default` namespace in `cluster4`. This app runs on port `tcp/5000` and it is exposed to end-users using an ingress resource called `pink-ing-cka16-trb` in such a way that it is supposed to be accessible using the command: `curl` on `cluster4-controlplane` host.

However, this is not working. Troubleshoot and fix this issue, making any necessary to the objects.

`Note:` You should be able to ssh into the `cluster4-controlplane` using `ssh cluster4-controlplane` command.

=> I changed the protocol from udp to tcp and also scaled the coredns deploy to 2 replicas.(coredns is running also) But still **curl** is showing below error. 
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
How to mitigate this?

Hi team,

can i get solution for this?

I am still stuck on this question, can someone help?

Hi @uzmashafi061
Sorry for the late response, let us review and come back to you soon


Hi @uzmashafi061,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, We’ll report it to Lab’s team and come back to you soon


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Take a look at the Ingress resource. Does it:

  • Use the right host?
  • Link to the right service on the right port?

Also, you may need to check if the ingress resource was picked up by the ingress controller. The ingress-nginx IC, for example, will post something in its log when there’s a problem, like an issue with the ingressClassName you use.


There is no ingress object even though the question says that the relevant object exists. Seems like a lab set up issue. Can the team confirm please?

An internal ticket has been raised for the lab team

Hello! 4 months later and I am getting the same error as mentioned by mkgpmj

Still same error persists… No ingress resource found.

There is an internal ticket for this, and has been for a while. I have just checked the task board an it appears to be “in progress”.