Topics limit bug, AWS tier 1 bug

First of all thanks for this practice opportunity platform!
However I am experience some bugs

  1. Topic selection limit bug
    UI shows me that I can select third topic, but when I try to select it, I see message that I am already have 2
  2. RDS instance not created for one of the tasks
    Task name “Upgrade RDS My SQL Engine Version via AWS Console” in tier 1 AWS

P.S. Unfortunately rules of forum doesn’t allow me to include more screenshots

Hi @MasterBogdan ,

It’s not a bug. It states that on the Active Practice page, there are 3 topics, of which two are pending, and 1 is in the Completed section.


Ok, very confusing part of UI.
What about " 1. RDS instance not created for one of the tasks
Task name “Upgrade RDS My SQL Engine Version via AWS Console” in tier 1 AWS" ?

Today I also get same issue with RDS on tier 2 aws topic on task " 10 Enabling Public Access to an RDS Instance"

Hi @MasterBogdan,

Yes, sorry, I forgot to mention the above. I’ve already notified the KKE team about this issue.


Thanks for your valuable feedback. I’ll forward this to the concerned team.


What about not created RDS instances issue, which I experience in both aws levels ?