Toomanyrequests error upon building a docker image

There is a predefined Dockerfile in the lab.
I tried to build the image using docker and I’m facing the following issue:

$ docker build -t webapp-color .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 125.4kB
Step 1/6 : FROM python:3.6
toomanyrequests: You have reached your pull rate limit. You may increase the limit by authenticating and upgrading: Understanding Your Docker Hub Rate Limit | Docker

Can somebody from @kodekloud2000 please look into this?
Thank you!

BTW I tried restarting the lab multiple times, but the problem still persists.

As always, a link to the lab you are talking about is useful, so I can try this as well.

I am facing the same,

Here is a link to the lab: Question 15

$ docker pull nginx:1.14-alpine
Error response from daemon: toomanyrequests: You have reached your pull rate limit. You may increase the limit by authenticating and upgrading:

I’m also facing the same issue with this lab as well

i’m also facing the same issue with all ckad labs and mock exams :

The same error with CKA mock exams every docker image

i am facing same issue

I’m getting this error on almost every lab question in docker wherever there is a requirement to pull an image from the docker hub.

Facing this issue even in playground. As I was not able to solve labs, I tried pulling an image in the playground. Literally there are 0 images present on the system yet it says that I’ve reached the pull limit. - FYI

Same problem at

@rob_kodekloud Almost all the labs has same issue. simple docker image pull errors out with limit reached.

This is part of a general outage. We’re working to restore access to DockerHub, but still don’t have an estimate when these labs will be working again.

To continue the lab, you can edit /etc/docker/daemon.json, add registry-mirrors

  "registry-mirrors": [

Then restart docker

systemctl restart docker.service 

For containerd, add registry mirror to /etc/containerd/config.toml under, “[plugins.“io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri”.registry.mirrors]”

          endpoint = [""]

And restart containerd

systemctl restart containerd.service 

Hello @tedzhang, Tried your solution for resolving the issue for Docker.

As soon as I restart the docker service I’m getting the following error:

[banner@stapp03 ~]$ sudo systemctl restart docker.service
Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See “systemctl status docker.service” and “journalctl -xeu docker.service” for details.

The above shown logs are taken by executing the following command:
"journalctl -xeu docker.service

and the task link is as follows:

This trick worked for my lab related to kubernetes.