Time-zone issue

changed time zone using timedatectl,but getting error as " Make sure the timezone is set correctly on App Server 2".
How can I find the correct server from the list ?

Worked after setting the time-zone change for all 3 Stratos servers

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Good to know, thanks for updating @thomasvjoseph7.

Happy learning,

I couldn’t connect to the stapp01 and stapp02 servers to adjust the timezone, but I had no problem doing it for the stapp03 :sleepy:

I used these users/pass … i guess that the passwords were expired

Hi @javier-ortiz-mir,
What kind of error are you seeing while doing SSH? If possible, pls provide error screenshots


If you are using one terminal, log out from the existing server and switch to other servers. Or open 3 terminals and open each server/session in each terminal.

this is a reply to both @Tej-Singh-Rana and @thomasvjoseph7

and that one: If you are using one terminal, log out from the existing server and switch to other servers. Or open 3 terminals and open each server/session in each terminal. didn’t work either

Hi @javier-ortiz-mir,
Can you please share your username? (Not an email address)

Hi @javier-ortiz-mir,
Can you please this method?

App Server 01 - sshpass -p "Ir0nM@n" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no tony@stapp01

App Server 02 - sshpass -p "Am3ric@" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no steve@stapp02

App Server 03 - sshpass -p "BigGr33n" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no banner@stapp03

To be honest I don’t need this method. I am able to login with help of a password.

Hi , that worked!! thanks!!

my name on this community is javier-ortiz-mir … it is my real name! … I think you can also find me as bigStrongDeveloper or donquijotedelasnubes