There is a deployment called `nodeapp-dp-cka08-trb` created in the `default` nam . . .

There is a deployment called nodeapp-dp-cka08-trb created in the default namespace on cluster1. This app is using an ingress resource named nodeapp-ing-cka08-trb.

From cluster1-controlplane host we should be able to access this app using the command: curl <>. However, it is not working at the moment. Troubleshoot and fix the issue.

Hi in the above question if i enter curl <> how it will connect because i am not using that name anywhere like pod, service

Alistair Mackay:
The host name is defined by the ingress resource

kubectl get ingress nodeapp-ing-cka08-trb -n default -o yaml

It says "from cluster1-controlplane " so you should find there’s a host file entry for that host name when you are on that server which points to the local host (which is serving the ingress controller’s nodeport service)

So to fix this, there is probably an issue with the ingress resource nodeapp-ing-cka08-trb