I’m doing the ultimate cka exams course and I’m being failed in the test because of unfair reasoning,
First of all, in this question:
For this question, please set the context to cluster2 by running:
kubectl config use-context cluster2
Install etcd utility on cluster2-controlplane node so that we can take/restore etcd backups.
You can ssh to the controlplane node by running ssh root@cluster2-controlplane from the student-node.
etcd utility installed on cluster2-controlplane node?
The test requires me to install etcd utility in a very specific way but you are well aware that in the test I will not be allowed to start searching the internet for the method you’re expecting me to remember.
Then there’s this question that asks me to fix a PVC and make sure it’s in “Bound” state, I’ve fixed it but the test still fails me, why is that?
I am never able to get 100% right because of such stuff, is there any way you can change the way the test checks the installation of the etcd utility like:
etcdctl version && exit 0 || exit 1
First, in these cases you want to look at the solution section of that final page. This will tell you what they were looking for.
In addition, the folks that write the grader code do make choices, and some can be a bit arbitrary. I’m not sure what you tried in these two cases, so I can’t really say if what you did was reasonable or not. What did you try?
Ofcourse I’ve looked in the solution section and I’ve had this question picked from the questions bank many times before and the answer they provided was a very specific one method to installing the utility.
I’ve used this method from etcd’s github official documentation page.
In regard to the second issue, does it matter what I tried? I got to the desired state - the PVC is properly bound to the PV, I did exactly the same command as in the solution section but it still failed and it’s very annoying.
For the etcd problem, I expect they want you to download a binary from the releases page, untar it and copy it into /usr/local/bin. If you did anything else, it won’t verify.
I’ll give the PVC problem a look and get back to you.
I just worked the PVC problem as followed, and it works:
- I saved away the PVC, and noticed that it requested 150Mi, rather than the 100Mi that the matching PV has.
- I edited the PVC yaml to ask for 100Mi
- I deleted the PVC and applied the modified YAML.
- The PV and the PVC bound.
This passed the grader. Did you do something different?
I don’t understand why this question even exists, as I asked about it in the past and was told that in the real exam all required tools are going to be present on the exam’s playground servers, so if you choose to ask this question, the least you can do is change the way the exam checks this answer, a simple etcdctl version
would suffice to check If the tool has been installed. Or am I supposed to memorise the exact steps as in the exam’s test mechanism?
These are the exact steps I did.
for me also, these two questions getting failed, even after did correctly
I think the purpose of the question is to make sure you understand the architecture of it. But you heard right – you won’t be asked to do this during the exam.