Ritika Malhotra:
Thanks to @Mumshad Mannambeth. Passed CKA in first attempt. I did the mock exams and lightening labs several times.
ritika-malhotra-a8c72022-e241-49be-8d6f-5e93f6d03b5a-certificate.pdf (704 KB)
Kylash M R:
Congratulations @Ritika Malhotra
Ritika Malhotra:
Thanks @Kylash M R
Kylash M R:
How long it took to prepare for CKA?
Ritika Malhotra:
If u spend couple hrs a day, shouldn’t take u more than 15-20 days. (In my opinion)
Kylash M R:
You mean within a month? I am a complete beginner and will spend 2hrs a day. My estimate was 3months for CKAD and 3months for CKA.
Ritika Malhotra:
First go over the entire material start to finish. Then practice mock exams followed by lighting lab. (Do them several times). I think it’s doable sooner than three months.
Kylash M R:
Okaye. Thanks for your reply @Ritika Malhotra
Mumshad Mannambeth:
Congratulations, thank you for sharing! @Ritika Malhotra