Test AWS level3 is failing

I took this task and i created all the resources as requested. But it failed because the naming conventions as wrongly set.

DynamoDB table devops-tasks does not exist

Of course it does not exist.

Because the table I created in that region is named: devops-tasks-t3q1, as requested in task one.

You can check this. This is happening in often in the test level 3 AWS. I’m not been able to finish it.


The Nautilus DevOps team is developing a simple ‘To-Do’ application using DynamoDB to store and manage tasks efficiently. The team needs to create a DynamoDB table to hold tasks, each identified by a unique task ID. Each task will have a description and a status, which indicates the progress of the task (e.g., ‘completed’ or ‘in-progress’).

Your task is to:

  1. Create a DynamoDB table named devops-tasks-t3q1 with a primary key called taskId (string).
  2. Insert the following tasks into the table:
  • Task 1: taskId: ‘1’, description: ‘Learn DynamoDB’, status: ‘completed’
  • Task 2: taskId: ‘2’, description: ‘Build To-Do App’, status: ‘in-progress’
  1. Verify that Task 1 has a status of ‘completed’ and Task 2 has a status of ‘in-progress’.

Ensure the DynamoDB table is created successfully and that both tasks are inserted correctly with the appropriate statuses.

Use below given AWS Credentials: (You can run the showcreds command on aws-client host to retrieve these credentials)


Has the DynamoDB table been created and have both tasks been correctly inserted with their statuses?

**DynamoDB table devops-tasks does not exist**