Terraform Azure Playground Lab Provisioning Timeouts

Hi there, is anyone else experiencing timeout issues loading the playground for Terraform Azure? I wait for 5 minutes for the lab to provision and then receive this error:

It only seems isolated to this lab as the others load fine.

Uh oh! Something went wrong.

Sorry! This lab took too long to get ready. Let’s try again and this time there are better chances of getting a lab quicker.

I don’t know. I tried the access the Azure playground, and the main page (the one with the user names and passwords) came up fine for me. Please try the following to see if it helps:

  1. Use a Chrome-style “incognito window” to see if it’s an issue with your browser.
  2. If you’re not using edge or Chrome, try that.
  3. Try again a bit later, on the assumption this was a transient issue.