Terminal reads NGINX 404 Not Found

Hi Support

I’ve been seeing this since yesterday. Can we get it fixed as soon as possible, please? I’ve also submitted the feedback.




Error screenshot:

Please tag me if you have an update to post. Thanks.

Just checked the lab, and I see this too. Sorry about that. I’ll inform our lab team that this is happening; thanks for the exact link.

Thanks @rob_kodekloud

The terminal page is at https://terminal-3834d7b30bf34fd9.labs.kodekloud.com/

Hope that helps. Looking forward to getting it fixed soon. Let me know when it fixed, please.

This appears to have been due to a problem we’ve been facing in many of our labs that were using CentOS 8 Stream. Our lab team tells me that this has now been fixed. I’ve tried the lab and it now works for me. I expect it will work for you too as well.

Hi Rob, yeah it was fixed in a few hours on the day I reported the issue. Tell the lab team thanks for taking care of it swiftly for me. cheers.