Hi Team, can some one please help to find out what i am missing or doing wrong ?

I have used the below code .
git clone /opt/cluster.git /usr/src/kodekloudrepos/ && cd /usr/src/kodekloudrepos/;
getting below output.
Cloning into ‘/usr/src/kodekloudrepos’…
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
when going to /usr/src/kodekloudrepos/
no cluster.git found and task was failed.
please help
Hello, @mdrkarim
Can you please share it in the “Review” Section?
Hi @Tej-Singh-Rana,
I have put it under review.
Thanks for your help.
Hi KodeKloud Team please help. @Inderpreet
Hello, @mdrkarim
I haven’t seen your request in the “Review” section.
@Ayman @Tej-Singh-Rana
having same issue
my task got failed
git clone /opt/official.git /usr/src/kodekloudrepos
@Tej-Singh-Rana @hjavaid , I also trued same command and still my task says its incomplete or failed.
what am i doing wrong any idea ?
The same issue comes to me as well.
I tried it on 12-Aug-2024, is something wrong on the user side ?
please try with below steps it got worked for me
- login with ssh natasha@ststor01 ( storage cserver)
2)change dir to cd /usr/src/kodekloudrepos
- now clone sudo git clone /opt/blog.git
even though empty dont worry , just submit task
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This is a correct answer, just confirmed.
I failed 5 times because the directions were wrong. We assumed that the repo has to be the same name as the original repo.