System-wide environment>>LAB QUESTION 8

Can someone please help me understand why solution displayed isn’t recognized?

Thanks a million!!!

I just did this task and it passed. Can you share your environment file please?

Hi @al1,
find attached. Please let me know if you need more information.
Appreciate your feedback.

You don’t need to put export and the value does not have to be in quotes.

@al1 ,
My bad, I should have tried that option but I observed the following:

  1. Printenv GLOBALOPTION yield no result.
    2)Echo $GLOBALOPTION yield result.

Any idea why?


Because the loading of env vars already happened when you login. When you update /etc/environment it only applies to users who login after the file was modified.

To see it in your current shell you need to run source /etc/environment

Hi @al1,
I have revised the lab again but the issue still exists. I am curious because when I use the “export” command, the issue does not exist (see previous screenshot).

Variables set in /etc/environment are globally available but not listed by export because they are imported by the session manager, not exported by the shell, unlike variables set with export in shell sessions.