System Administrator task

Uh oh! Looks like the task was not completed successfully. But it’s OK. You can try this task again.

  • ‘Apache’ is not reachable on port ‘8089’ on App server 1

Hello I don’t know why I was marked wrong or this. In the screenshot attached it shows httpd is configured to run on the required port and I was able to curl the webpage provided.

Hi @ymusayyib

It would help a lot if you could share the Review link of the task?

I have flagged it for review now. I do not know how to share the link

I found your review request. But, strangely it does not contain the video of the steps you performed to accomplish the task.

With the logs you’ve posted it’s hard to review. Can you please share the screenshot of the curl command from the jumpHost.
curl http://stapp01:3000