Successfully cleared Docker Certified Associate exam. Thanks to @Mumshad Mannamb .

Irfan Ahmed:
Successfully cleared Docker Certified Associate exam. Thanks to @Mumshad Mannambeth for wonderful course on Kodekloud and Mock tests helped me to get used to DOMC pattern.

Congratulation @Irfan Ahmed :tada:

Oguz Halit:
congratulations, do you have any tips?

Dennis Cruz:

Irfan Ahmed:
> @Oguz Halit It’s bit tough exam to pass mainly because of DOMC format. I got straight 42 DOMC questions followed by 13 multiple choices.

Irfan Ahmed:
The DCA course on Kodekloud is very useful to understand and learn core side of Docker, DockerEE & Orchestration technolgies-Swarm and K8s.
If company sponsors for certification go for it as it is costly with no re-attempts.
There r three sample mock exams in DCA course which will be useful to get used to DOMC format.
But to answer the questions for the exam you should have thorough knowledge. Also I recommend important pointers section in Udemy’s DCA course by Zeol Vora. Few questions from important pointers came in exam but again they are not straight questions.
Hope it helps!!

Mumshad Mannambeth:
Congratulations @Irfan ! Thanks for sharing your experience.

Any plans to bring this course to Udemy?