Start with Terraform or Kubernetes?

What is more logical to start with first, Terraform or Kubernetes?

Kubernetes, after that you will be able to configure kubernetes with Terraform

If you want to learn more about the infrastructure as code, you should start with some basics AWS, then terraform. If you want to learn more about how to deploy your app, you should learn some basics of docker then K8s. So, you can start with docker->K8s->Cloud"AWS"->Terrraform.

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Thanks. Am well versed with Azure and AWS, but more on the infrastructure and architecture side. Now I’m looking to gain competency with IaaC and containers, as such was looking to get into Terraform and Kubernetes…

After doing some research, I did see that quiet a number of courses were offering devops in following order: docker, k8’s and then terraform.

Then I came across this article: 5 Important Reasons To Learn Terraform Before Cloud Computing. » Open Up The Cloud , which made sense as well. So before going this route or starting my journey , I wanted to make sure, what the experts from the field had to say in general. Thanks Mumshad…