I ran into an issue where there was still an EC2 LaunchTemplate left over from a previous playground run.
I’m using terraform to create my infrastructure and got this error:
│ Error: creating EC2 Launch Template (your-node-launch-template): InvalidLaunchTemplateName.AlreadyExistsException: Launch template name already in use.
│ status code: 400, request id: b17ed555-c16e-43e4-b14f-9e35467ea67f
Looking in the console (screenshot below) you can see that this launch template was created on Sept 3rd by odl_user_1057333. Today is Sept 16th so this resource is 13 days old. At the top right of the screenshot you can see that my current user is odl_user_1068924.
There probably shouldn’t be hanging resources left in playgrounds. Not only because it can cause errors for playground users like this one, but some of the resources may cost KodeKloud money.