Shell script backup atuomatin

Hi there,

I have tried to complete the task where it’s asked to create a shell script to automate a backup with a zip archive and to copy it to the Backup Server but I fail with this message : - ‘’ not found under ‘/backup’ on Backup Server

I checked and the zip file is in /backup on Backup server so I am confused.

If you could help me I would highly appreciate it, thank you,

Hi @giacomo.tobiolo,
Did you get a chance to send your work under the “Review” section? Please ensure the sudo user of the apps server can run the script.


Please write your KKE username.

My KKE username is LeoWyatt.

Review does not appear for some reason. I made the script executable if that’s what you mean.

Thank you

Hi @giacomo.tobiolo,
I think you made the zip file executable, not a script.


Yeah, there is a time limit.

Hi there, it’s still not working. I have given permission to the script but it keeps showing that there’s no zip file in /backup on the Backup Server but I checked and there is.

Would you mind checking again, please?

Thank you,

I checked and executable permission is still missing.

Please check this comment.

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