Sharing my experience with the exam. Possible to view questions we got wrong on CKAD exam?

Hi everyone!

I recently passed the CKAD exam yesterday with a 91% and I wanted to share my experience when taking the exam.

Overall, I thought that the exam was fairly easy. I was expecting it to be a lot harder, especially after taking the mock exam. For my actual exam, I had 16 questions total, with one of the questions having me perform a task with docker/podman. Surprisingly, I didn’t get a Helm question, but other than that, the rest of the questions were Kubernetes related tasks. I finished the exam early with ~30 minutes to spare, and I was fairly confident that I got all the questions correct.

In terms of the testing environment, my check-in process was pretty smooth (about 2-5 min; there was another person in front of me). The latency of the PSI browser wasn’t very noticeable, which was surprisingly nice considering all the horror stories I’ve read about people experiencing delays of 4-5 seconds. Overall, I was getting less than 1 sec delays but it was probably because of my high internet speed (~300 Mbps download, ~200 Mbps upload; no ethernet, just wifi adaptor on my PC).

There was a question that had weird wording and I’m not sure if I’m allowed to go in-depth on posting the question. Is it possible for us to see or request which questions we got wrong on the exam?

Either way, I’m really happy to pass with a high score coming from a background with zero Kubernetes knowledge. Thank you KodeKloud!

First, congratulations on passing with flying colors. With a great score, too.

And yes, you can’t discuss specific questions – that comes under the exam’s NDA. Generally they won’t tell you what you didn’t get right, so you’ll just have to wonder. But remember, there are mysteries in life. That’ll be one for you :slight_smile: