Sftp configuration and setup

Failed: See error below.
User john was able to SSH into app server 3, however user should only be allowed to make SFTP connection.
User john is not able to make SFTP connections

Not true. See below for evidence:

thor@jump_host /$ sftp john@stapp03
john@stapp03’s password:
Connected to stapp03.
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /upload
sftp> quit
thor@jump_host /$ ssh john@stapp03
john@stapp03’s password:
This service allows sftp connections only.
Connection to stapp03 closed.
thor@jump_host /$


This is only config you did in sshd_config file ? Which seems incomplete


Also did you make any changes and tested it after clicking on Finish button ?

I made a mistake on chrootdirectory entry when I first tested. So I fixed it and tested again and got the result as in the screenshot which is successful before I clicked on finish confident that it would pass but didn’t. Anyway not to worry. I just thought I’d mention it. Cheers.