Secrets & Config-map inside k8s manifest repo

I wanted to use Argocd pointing to k8s manifest repo. For my application have multiple config-maps/secrets. How can i store those secret/config-map in manifest repo? Can someone help on this issue?

You should never store sensitive information in a repo (git presumably). ConfigMaps are fine, because they should not contain sensitive information.

Either your cluster should have a CSI driver that integrates with a cloud secrets service (e.g. AWS secrets manager), or with a secret management tool such as Hashicorp Vault.

If these are not readily available then you can use e.g. GitHub - bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets: A Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted Secrets where the sealed seats can be stored in source control, and the sealed secrets operator turns these into normal secrets when the SealedSecret manifest is deployed.

This is covered in or Argo course GitOps with ArgoCD | KodeKloud