Result App is not working after deployment

Hi Team,

After deploying result-app container , i am not able to open in browser.

  1. I already performed port mapping
  2. My inbound and outbound rule allow all traffic.

Hi @nileshj2,

Can you please provide us more information on how you run the result app and how you did the port


Hi @mmkmou ,
PFB Code repo link

I have clone the repo in my local and followed below steps

PFB command:

  1. docker build . -t result-app ( created image using dockerFile)
  2. docker run -d -p 5001:80 --link db:db result-app ( started container )
  3. tried excessing resulting app in browser using <public_ip>:5001

Hi @nileshj2

What do you mean by <public_ip> ? Try with http://localhost:5001

Also another point on the sample voting app we have multiple application that work together, you can run each of then separately but you need to manage the link between then. The other option is to use docker-compose like mention on the Readme file


Hi @mmkmou ,

I am using aws ec2 instance ,so the reason i am using publicj ip of EC2 instance.

I already linked each container to run the app, but the only issue i am getting in result app.

even docker compose is not working

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-84-245 example-voting-app]$ docker-compose up -d
ERROR: The Compose file ‘./docker-compose.yml’ is invalid because:
Unsupported config option for volumes: ‘db-data’
Unsupported config option for networks: ‘front-tier’
Unsupported config option for services: ‘result’
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-84-245 example-voting-app]$

Hi @nileshj2,

Please check the security group and authorize port 5000 and 5001

For this error, you need to install docker compose 1.27+
