Resource command not found error


I’m learning Terraform and while trying the basic practice The plan command prints the output asking user to change the argument name from file to filename on question 14. When I attempt to change the resource to filename I’m getting an error message: bash: resource command not found. Not sure what is going on. Anyone experience this issue.

Can you provide a bit more info here, e.g.

  • Question 14 in which lab (link please)
  • “The plan command prints the output asking user to change the argument name from file to filename” - A copy of what it actually printed
  • Your terraform code

Please paste the above

as code blocks

and not screen shots.

Hello, I am on the Terraform Providers Lab now, question 10, that shows me the same error when I use the command to create a new resource type “local_file” resource Name: “xbox/.tf”

resource “local_file” “xbox” {
filename = “/root/xbox.txt”
content = “Wouldn’t mind an XBOX either!”
bash: resource command not found

Can you show the command you are running please? It should be a a terraform command, you are getting a bash error which would seem to indicate you are running the wrong command.


Trying to create the config file using the resource command in curly brackets. That’s when I see the message.

Screenshot as before below

You use the file editor (VS Code in this instance) to create a new file. You don’t type the file directly into the terminal window.

Thank you so much, that worked