Hi Team,
I am a kodekloud pro user. Now I am requesting you please add the AWS ECS, CDN, ALB and DynamoDB services. It is very helpful for learning.
I have observed most of the services in the AWS playground have been blocked. It is very difficult to learn AWS or learn terraform with AWS. please allow access with at least a smaller duration.
I am having the same issues with creating dynamoDB, this is one of the major reason I subscribed to kodekloud. I keep getting the below
You need permissions
User: arn:aws:iam::662954396541:user/odl_user_1121642 is not authorized to perform: access-analyzer:ListPolicyGenerations on resource: arn:aws:access-analyzer:us-east-1:662954396541:* with an explicit deny
You can run dynamo on your own computer in the mean time
Hi @Alistair_KodeKloud,
I am very for your reply, But can you please help how we can store retreive the data from local dynamoDB.Will it allows the kodekloud AWS will interact to local DB.
If you help on this topic. I really apperiacate to your help.
Thank you alot for help
No it won’t. Using a local copy means that you can write software that uses dynamo on your own laptop without using an AWS account
I asked if it would be added to playground, and it will be considered. I cannot give any indication to if or when that will happen
Thank you Alistar for you response. If it is added to playground, it is really healp for learners. Terraform not able to access local dynamoDB.