Regarding one question on node controllers

I need some help on regarding the k8s node controller.

If 3 node cluster ( 2 node and 1 master) deployed some pods on nodes.
Unfortunately if one of the worker node got crashed and the pods that are running on worker node goes to other node or totally deleted??

Note: All pods are not under replica set and they are individually deployed

Once a pod is scheduled, it “belongs” the kubelet of the targeted node. If it doesn’t belong to a deployment or similar resource that will recreate the node’s pods, when the node goes away, so will the pods.

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And thus it is not good practice to deploy workloads that you expect to stay running as standalone pods. Always make them part of a deployment, even if only one replica. Then if you lose a node, the pod will be recreated on another node (if you have one).

Ok, Thanks for your valuable suggestion

Thanks for the information