Regarding CKA MOCK Test Series Solutions

Was going through the CKA Mock Series and for correct solution also i am getting incorrect answer while evaluating thus no marks given

Attaching sample Questions and the its solution for your review [ Leave the first 3 commands as it was of other question ]
In Solution Details - its mentioned looper pod created as wrong, but in terminal can see looper pod is running and for last 37 mins, also if pod is not running how it is printing “hello” string ?

I have solved the question but getting incorrect answer in solution section.

PS: Due to profile restriction i can’t add multiple example snaps

Hi @nikhil.nischal01,

On which CKA mock did you face this issue?


Hi @mmkmou

In " Ultimate Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Mock Exam Series" course available in KodeKloud - Mock Exam 3.

Hi @nikhil.nischal01,
Just testing and it’s work fine (see attached)

Please try again and let us know if the issue persist


Thanks @mmkmou !
Same ques i got in mock 4 as well and this time, is correctly evaluated.
seems some issue during that time which seems to be momentary

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