Question in Mock exam-3 Q.7

Hi there,
Regarding below question in mock exam

kubectl config use-context cluster1

There is an existing persistent volume called `orange-pv-cka13-trb`. A persistent volume claim called `orange-pvc-cka13-trb` is created to claim storage from `orange-pv-cka13-trb`.
However, this PVC is stuck in a `Pending` state. As of now, there is no data in the volume.
Troubleshoot and fix this issue, making sure that `orange-pvc-cka13-trb` PVC is in `Bound` state.

pvc orange-pvc-cka13-trb modified correctly and it bound to PV as below but in result it is still marked as incorrect: -

student-node ~ ➜  kubectl get pvc orange-pvc-cka13-trb
orange-pvc-cka13-trb   Bound    orange-pv-cka13-trb   100Mi      RWO                           84m

Just need more detail how the answer is evaluated?

There are a couple of approaches to solving this one. First thing is to see if the PVC “knows” why it can’t bind. You can look at events for this, either by doing k describe pvc orange-pvc-cka13-trb, or by checking the namespace’s event, as I do here:

student-node ~ ➜  k get ev | grep pvc
6s          Warning   VolumeMismatch            persistentvolumeclaim/orange-pvc-cka13-trb      Cannot bind to requested volume "orange-pv-cka13-trb": requested PV is too small

The key bit: “orange-pv-cka13-trb”: requested PV is too small. So it looks like you need to reduce the request size down from 150Mi down to whatever that PV has available.

Hi Rob, thanks for details.
In my case pvc was bound to pv as per shared output, but still answer in mock exam result is considered as wrong. Hence i requested more details how the answer is evaluated for mock exam?

The grader is something of a black box; I don’t really know. Did you adjust the size of the PVC? This would certainly be part of what it would be looking for.