Practice test question

Hi All,

I have a question in the practice lab in CKA exam.

Link : Practice Test OS Upgrades - KodeKloud

In the above practice exam, for question no - 7, I see there are 2 daemonsets are running on the node01 which are Kube-proxy and kube-flannel-ds. When i issue command, kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide, I do see these 2 DS are coming in the command output. Also I described the pod using the command, if you se the output…the kind is set to Pod…So the correct answer should be - 2 pods running on the node 01 instead of the given answer - 0 in the practice question.

controlplane ~ ➜ kubectl get pod kube-flannel-ds-725wz -n kube-system -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
creationTimestamp: “2022-10-24T16:52:02Z”
generateName: kube-flannel-ds-
app: flannel
controller-revision-hash: 6d85d5c4bb
pod-template-generation: “1”
tier: node
name: kube-flannel-ds-725wz
namespace: kube-system

Kindly let me know, if anything is needed. Thanks.

Hi @Durga-Prasad-Vuyyuru

The question is still asking about the pods of the deployment in the default namespace, thus

kubectl get pods -n default -o wide

will show all pods on control plane and none on node01.

Daemonset pods are always present on all nodes. The cluster would not function otherwise.

Hi @Alistair_KodeKloud ,

Thank you so much for the response. I do see the question no- 7 as below:

How many pods are scheduled on node01 now?

As you see, the question did not mentioned about deployment pods or pods in default namespace. Because of this i was confused. I just want to have the right answer or change the question.

One more final question, If there are any questions like this in the exam, Do i need to include the DS pods running on the nodes or not.

Thank you so much for taking time to support my question. Have a great day.


The question in the exam will be very specific, they will tell if you need to include/exclude something, btw CKA/CKAD/CKS is not an MCQ exam (performance-based exam), so there will be no similar kinds of questions.
