The port is specified not by the ingress resource, but in the configuration of the Ingress Controller in the ingress-nginx namespace. The IC uses a service to expose ports for all of the ingress resources it manages on the cluster. Typically this will be a LoadBalancer service, but in our labs, we use a NodePort service instead. That’s where the 30093 port is referenced.
Hi Rob
When I do a get ingress -owide I see a port number used by the ingress resource -port #80
What is this port used for. As we discussed the controller is on port 30093.
I’m not sure what’s displayed in the k get ing -o wide output, but I’d guess it relates to the underlying service that the IC uses:
controlplane ~ ➜ k -n ingress-nginx get svc
ingress-nginx-controller NodePort <none> 80:30093/TCP,443:31883/TCP 6m24s
The place to confirm this would be look in the kubernetes sources and actually see where “get” is implemented for the ingress resource type.