Port Number used by the ingress controller

Hi -
I have a similar question from Lightening Labs - In the question below, it mentions " Here 30093 is the port used by the Ingress Controller"


Also in the solution - we do not specify this port number anywhere in the manifest file.
Please help in understanding this scenario…

The port is specified not by the ingress resource, but in the configuration of the Ingress Controller in the ingress-nginx namespace. The IC uses a service to expose ports for all of the ingress resources it manages on the cluster. Typically this will be a LoadBalancer service, but in our labs, we use a NodePort service instead. That’s where the 30093 port is referenced.

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Hi Rob
When I do a get ingress -owide I see a port number used by the ingress resource -port #80
What is this port used for. As we discussed the controller is on port 30093.

Thanks in advance

I’m not sure what’s displayed in the k get ing -o wide output, but I’d guess it relates to the underlying service that the IC uses:

controlplane ~ ➜  k -n ingress-nginx get svc
NAME                                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
ingress-nginx-controller             NodePort   <none>        80:30093/TCP,443:31883/TCP   6m24s

The place to confirm this would be look in the kubernetes sources and actually see where “get” is implemented for the ingress resource type.