Please i have an issue...i am trying to access my nodeport service on browser bu . . .

Lawal Damilola:
Please i have an issue…i am trying to access my nodeport service on browser but couldn’t get to it…i am running minikube on ec2 instance…i can access d pod using curl http://minikube_ip:nodeport|http://minikube_ip:nodeport but can access same on web even after using d ec_ipaddr:nodeport

Kiran Prabhu:
Does your security group for the ec2 allow inbound requests for the port?

Lawal Damilola:
Yeah…i practically allowed all port

See if this helps:

Lawal Damilola:
Thanks…they still didnt touch dah aspect

Lawal Damilola:
thanks, i have been gotten it…its about doing ssh tunneling