Passwordless set-up

Hello Everyone,

I’m a newbie here and finding it difficult to complete the below task.

" We have some users on all app servers in Stratos Datacenter . Some of them have been assigned some new roles and responsibilities, therefore their users need to be upgraded with sudo access so that they can perform admin level tasks."

Not sure what exactly I’m doing wrong. Where I can find help for task completion. Thanks in advance!


@keen2learn , Learn about sudoers file so that you will be easily able to do the task.

Hello @tgp

Thanks for your response. I figure out that I need to update the sudoers file but I’m unable to edit that file as none of the editing resources (vi, vim, and nano) are available over there.

Appreciate your help in advance!


@keen2learn , these kind of tasks are meant to be self-learned so that you will gain good experience. In this case, you can use visudo to edit the file.