Password for sshing various apps in labs

I’m running the lab for networking basics in devops prerequisite course. I’m trying to attempt question 6 which asks me to ssh to app01, app02, app03 and app04 and then add new ips to each of them.
However, when I try to ssh these apps, i’m requested password as below.

thor@jump_host ~$ sudo ssh app01
The authenticity of host ‘app01 (’ can’t be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:xjNW/g7rvKELj1yizedpQsTPf1EQg5ADHKu1JqsW2KU.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:52:ec:6b:4c:d6:d5:98:09:24:77:fb:76:b8:06:ee:ba.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ‘app01,’ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@app01’s password:

1 - What is the password which we need to provide for each app?

2 - Also, in the question, we need to delete old ip’s . Where can I get info on old ip’s.

Your help, much appreciated.

Thanks Sihan

You don’t use sudo to ssh to the server. sudo means run as root, so it would be using root’s SSH identity which is not what you want. You need the user’s identity.

Thank you very much. It’s working now.
Can you please also share references/documents where I can read and practice more about sudo ?

Thanks in advance !

You can review the man page for sudo:
sudo(8) - Linux manual page (