Passed (on second attempt)! First attempt was a 61 (needed 66). Second attempt g . . .

Passed (on second attempt)! First attempt was a 61 (needed 66). Second attempt got 86. Got 87 on first attempt of but the list of mistakes I made for the first attempt:

  1. Didn’t use aliases so I typed way too much. Second attempt spent 3-4 minutes adding these to .bashrc, completely worth it:

When the task does not specify a namespace for the given context, use default:

alias kn=‘kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=current’
alias ka=‘kubectl apply -f’

Quick replace:

alias kr=‘kubectl replace --force --grace-period=0 -f’

Quickly switch to whatever namespace the task asks for:

alias kcc=‘kubectl config set-context --namespace=’
export do=‘–dry-run=client --output=yaml’

  1. Used an external webcam that I couldn’t focus (on Ubuntu) so they couldn’t verify my ID until I joined/rejoined with a different one. This added a fair amount of stress as it delayed the start by over 35 minutes.

  2. Each question tells you to context switch which was not in so I likely got zero credit on those questions.

  3. The ones I thought I couldn’t pass easily I marked for later but in hindsight they were easy questions…I just rushed and read them too quickly. I feel like the questionss on the actual exam (versus and the KodeKloud lightning labs) were written with ambiguity but this might be my terrible experiences with the ISC2 exams (lol). Some questions I marked for later were brain-dead simple, I just didn’t slow down to read. Which brings me to my final point:

  4. Refresher course in vim! I don’t come from a Linux background so the day after I failed I practiced the following in vim: global search and replace, multi-line indents, undo, etc. I generated a deployment YAML file and practiced all of the above and more on that.

  5. Read slowly, answer quickly, double-check that you completed all the tasks by SCROLLING DOWN in the task pane! The aliases I added in part 1 helped a ton. Granted you lose time not performing tasks when you’re adding aliases but I feel like the efficiency gained from those aliases helped me gain time in the end.

Thanks to KodeKloud for such a fantastic course!

Congratulations and thanks for sharing your experience :raised_hands:

Neeraj Vasudeva:
Congrats ! This is so awesome!

@AnthonyG So in the real exam, you set these alias by modifying .bashrc file or were you trying to say that you did alias setup in and not in the real exam?

The second question that I have is you just reloaded the bashrc file by this command

source ~/.bashrc


. ~/.bashrc

Hi @Neeraj Vasudeva there were aliases in .bashrc but they weren’t the ones I wrote above.