Hello All,
I was working on the Jenkins Setup Node App on Kodekloud but my pipeline keeps failing. Attached are logs and my pipeline script. Any idea what’s happening?
pipeline {
agent {
label "stapp03"
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
// Get some code from a GitHub repository
git branch: "master",
url: "http://git.stratos.xfusioncorp.com/sarah/web.git",
credentialsId: "sarah"
// Run Maven on a Unix agent.
sh "docker build -t stregi01.stratos.xfusioncorp.com:5000/node-app:latest /home/banner/pipe/workspace/node-app"
sh "docker push stregi01.stratos.xfusioncorp.com:5000/node-app:latest"
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
sh "docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name node-app stregi01.stratos.xfusioncorp.com:5000/node-app:latest"